Horse Saddle shop 

We offer a lifetime of equine experience to benefit you in your next saddle purchase. Dale was an example of wisdom gained in a person senior years. He had been selling saddles in Northern Indiana since the early 80s, until his passing in 2013. He was a great help in gathering important information on our customer horse and our customerriding disciplines to recommend the saddle to suit each need. Chuck has earned the experience by being raised on a horse farm and, after a 9-year stint in the Air Force, coming back to Indiana to strengthen his equine roots. He is a quick learn on fitting with a very good grasp on the characteristics of each saddle model. Charlie, Josh, and Jenelle have assisted over 40,000 customers in their years with us and Leah offers valuable insight to our customers especially in the used saddle world, as she has been a horse owner most of her life.